What is a dedicated server: features, equipment, the main differences between hosting and a dedicated server

What is a dedicated server: features, equipment, the main differences between hosting and a dedicated server
Опубликовано: 07.08.2021

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Dedicated Server is a physical machine that is stored in a data center and provided to a single client. This customer manages the server according to needs - and can do so without any restrictions, since he is the only user. This type of server provides clean performance that is suitable for demanding workloads.

Host your site on high-performance Linux or Windows dedicated servers for optimal speed, agility and site performance, creating a hassle-free user experience.

The dedicated server offers every user a high level of performance. Dedicated Server Hosting is an extension of portfolio of shared web hosting where users get a managed web server. Users get hardware that they do not have to share with anyone to run their site applications. A dedicated server, processing power and resources of which are excluded, is distinguished by its root access to the system and ability to independently install and administer all applications. Dedicated Server Hosting offers the great performance that managed software provides: operating system, web server, database, SFTP, etc.

Securing your server is a temporary job that includes applying updates to all installed software, deploying and configuring firewalls, using anti-malware protection, software, and more. All these tasks are handled by a hosting provider if you choose a shared hosting server. But on a dedicated server, your challenge is to ensure server security and integrity.

Main differences between hosting and dedicated server

There are many similarities between standard and sophisticated managed hosting, but the key difference lies in the level of administrative and engineering support that the customer pays for due to the increased size and complexity of infrastructure deployment. The vendor takes over most of management, including security, memory, storage, and IT support. The service is predominantly proactive.

Server administration can be provided by hosting company as an additional service. In some cases, a dedicated server can offer less overhead and a better return on investment. Dedicated servers are housed in data centers, often providing redundant power supplies and HVAC systems. Unlike colocation, server hardware is owned by the provider, and in some cases they provide support for operating systems or applications.

What are the advantages of renting a dedicated server?

Dedicated server key advantage over shared hosting is its performance. With improved hardware components, it can support even demanding workloads and ensure stable delivery even during peak hours. Additional benefits include security, flexibility, and scalability.

As the sole tenant of dedicated environment, organization IT staff controls the server, its applications, and operating systems. Companies can easily change server configurations, add new software, and customize resources to suit their needs.

It is believed that using a shared hosting site is not the best option when it comes to your SEO - because you will be sharing a server with sites that may be practicing black SEO techniques, sending out bulk email spam, or related to content for adults. These bad areas can affect your ranking.

In the end, every decision you make comes down to a price. While an inexpensive dedicated server provider may seem tempting, it may not provide you with the best performance. But that does not mean you should choose the most expensive service provider. Option is to compare all dedicated server rent service providers and bargain for the best dedicated server rental offer.

Because shared hosting is managed, maintained and administered by the shared hosting provider itself, there is little or no technical skill required on a part of the organization. Hence, shared hosting simplifies installation, administration, and upgrades. Leverage high bandwidth processing technology and cloud-like flexibility. Fully customizable dedicated web hosting services allow you to tailor your IT platform to your business.

Configure web servers to your liking and scale storage, disk space, or bandwidth as your needs grow. You can customize your environment to achieve the highest levels of security and processing performance, even during peak hours. A dedicated server rental company with a suite of advanced datacenter hardware and technology to help you achieve your performance and security goals. Choose from HDDs or SSDs based on your needs. You can tune and update your RAM and CPU resources at any time. All solutions come with free DDoS protection to keep your data safe.

Which is better: buy or rent a dedicated server?

After choosing a dedicated server, the next decision is to buy or rent. Some organizations choose to buy a server and host it from a colocation provider. Colocation has its advantages, but the burden of managing the hosted server falls on the client. Client must solve any problems with his server, as a rule, personally. When renting a dedicated server, most of the management and maintenance is done by hosting provider and you never have to do repairs or pay for hardware replacement yourself. Also, if you rent a server on a monthly basis, you can change your hosting provider at any time. This is not the case if you are making a capital investment in server hardware. If you need more information on finding a dedicated server for your business, our support team will be happy to provide a free consultation and quote.

What is usually included in a dedicated server?

Bandwidth and unlimited traffic. Each dedicated server has a minimum public bandwidth with bursting capability to absorb occasional peak traffic. Incoming and outgoing traffic is unlimited and free. It is also possible to increase the bandwidth if necessary. You can automatically install a number of operating systems through the control panel. This includes various operating systems: Windows Server, Debian, Ubuntu or CentOS, web management interfaces, and Microsoft SQL Server for databases. Virtualization solutions such as VMware, CoreOS and Windows Hyper-V are also available. Space for backups Each dedicated server has disk space for backups. This space is separate from a server and is dedicated to storing your data and configuration files. The storage capacity can be increased if necessary.

To ensure the maximum security of your infrastructure, all dedicated servers include a DDoS protection system. This ensures the continuity of service for applications in the event of an attack. By renting servers, you get technical support by phone and email. You can also chat with our consultants who are ready to help, in the ticket mode. A series of guides and an online help center are provided to help you set up and manage your services.

What you need to know before buying a dedicated server?

The cost of a dedicated server is influenced by many factors. The most obvious factor is the cost of hardware itself is Intel latest 56-core Cascade Lake processor will cost you significantly more than an older processor with fewer cores. Software licensing is another cost to consider, especially with high-end processors and software like Windows Server and SQL running on per-core licensing. Additional factors that are less likely to affect cost are contract duration and overheads such as operating costs and the amount of physical space required.

Take advantage of pre-configured dedicated server options to meet your specialized software needs. Scalable and secure servers in 3 different locations deliver high performance to help your business grow.

With a dedicated server, you are completely responsible for the security of your site. This means that you can optimize the required functionality for specific requirements of site and the stored files. Of course, you are also responsible for implementing these functions, but this is one of benefits of flexibility.

Free alternatives to most of the paid software packages are available, but these are generally not preferred due to software stability issues. The main exception to preference for paid software over free software is the widespread use of Linux over Microsoft or another paid OS on servers.

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