Which online store to open in 2022? E-commerce platforms and naming

Which online store to open in 2022? E-commerce platforms and naming
Опубликовано: 02.01.2022

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If you are an aspiring entrepreneur looking for a product idea, many of them can be sold in both B2B and B2C. Research has shown that the combination of these factors gives a better chance of creating a profitable small business. Start with resources to help you find a product, or check out some of the latest product trends. This isn't about one life-changing trick. Starting an online business in 2022 would not work that way.

Given that the industry is valued at $257 billion and continues to grow. Video games can be one of the most lucrative business opportunities out there. Income also comes from more than just professional gaming. You can make money online on a platform like Twitch.tv, create a YouTube channel, or even sell game-inspired merchandise.

Even if you have never created an online store website before, you are unlikely to get lost in the intuitive Shopify app. For example, adding a product is as easy as clicking: Products in the sidebar and then clicking the Add Products button. Enter the name, price, quantity and any other relevant information, change its status to Active, and it is in your online store and ready for sale.

E-learning is growing rapidly as an industry. The latest research suggests the industry will be worth approximately $325 billion by 2025. This will make digital products one of the best online business opportunities for both authors and educators.

Music, videos, e-books, and online courses are a few examples. They can be held or touched. They are very popular with consumers because they can download and use them whenever they want.

E-commerce platforms

Likewise, WooCommerce fits into your store. You can manage orders, create coupons and view sales reports from the dashboard. Adding new products is easy. WooCommerce has the same interface as WordPress. This means you do not have to waste time learning a new platform. The only difference between adding a new product and creating a post is that you will need to add specific information about your product, such as a description, image, categories, and tags.

We only looked at full service e-commerce platforms. You should be able to sell your product through a consumer-facing website, but also manage orders, ship items, track inventory, and otherwise deal with back-end startup and administration of your store without using any other service or giant spreadsheet.

Naming and domain registration

This is not just a domain name, but your future brand. So, it should be unique, short and easy to remember. Don't go too general. You can add two different words to come up with a creative title. The ideal length for a domain name is 12 characters, so think no more.

Each builder offers different features, choose the one that best suits your requirements. Ensure the security of your site is the highest priority. Also, since the mobile platform gets the most traffic, make sure your website is mobile-optimized.

With a lot of apps and free domains, it seems easy, but opening an online store is not childs play. There is a lot to think about, from, say, the fastest way to add a payment method to after-sales service to customer service is everything has to be competitive. We provide a full services range for creating, opening and promoting an online store in the ITVin web studio.

The Numbers: 62% of founders who sold both B2B and B2C were satisfied with their business performance in 2021, while only 53% of B2C-only business owners reported the same. This model was prevalent among those who did business in the food and beverage industry: 53% of those surveyed reported selling both B2C and B2B.

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